As my first matter of
I would like to mention that I have a certain favorite shirt. I like to wear it,
A LOT. this does not pose much of a problem because a typical day in the life of
Jacob includes ten hours or more of work and some school activity smashed inconveniently somewhere in the midst of it.
This allows for a minimal amount of leisure time for me to lounge in my favorite shirt. My favorite shirt sees a total of 2-3 hours of wear at one time. So it can go for weeks without needing to be washed. Yes, I smell fine and food usually makes it to my mouth and not on the shirt.the reason that i bring up my shirt is Tasha unwittingly did it herself.
In all but one cluster of photos posted in the money loves bunny blog I am wearing the shirt. season after season, day after day, it has seen me through the battle of my life struggles and
triumphs. I love my shirt.... and my wife.
Recently I have begun school for the fall and I have the privilege of attending school with my little brother. he is one of the most
absurdly hilarious people that I have ever been associated with. He seems to put everything in a charming tone.
Everyday we walk up the stairs to the cafeteria at the school so that we can stress about our outrageous schedule, argue about physics and eat a
meager meal.
but recently we started riding an elevator up the one flight of stairs that we encounter in a day. We figure it could save us nearly 200 joules of energy, if we calculated our physics right (but that's not likely).
Anyway we will have to see how this goes. the semester will come and go but as time travels
dementia will set in at some point. if a man live to be a million years old would he really be worth talking too? If I
survive this semester we can find out.