Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sweet! My car got a Boo Boo!

Today minding my own business at work, I heard some guy come into the shop and say that someone just hit a car. "That sucks" I thought to myself! A few minutes later the Service Writer came in and ask if the Silver Alero was mine. After calling him a liar to his face, I kinda started to believe it was my car. I took a walk outside and sure enough it was my car. The poor kid that hit me looked so dis trot. I told him it would be ok, my husband hates that car anyway! He didn't think it was funny! I did! Now I get lots of money all because I went to work and parked my car in the right spot! Ok maybe not lots but still! Its like getting a face lift for my car and I don't have to pay for it! SWEET!!!! Everyone wants a newer looking car, and that's what I got today! Oh I would post a picture but, there was an unfortunate accident with my camera. It seems when you spill soda in your purse and your camera is in your purse, it's not good news for your camera! Lets just say it's a sticky situation!


Reimschiissels said...

That sucks, but i see the benefit. SOmetimes I wish someone would hit me! Where are you working?

Burdett Family said...

that sad part of this all is your car gets a face lift but now your cars value went down because it has been in an accident. Thats what happen when Jason backed into us. Went to trade it in and are value went down because of it. It would have been better if it got totalled. Then you could just get a new one.